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Company Profile

NORECS (Short for Norwegian Electro Ceramics) AS was founded in 2001 by prof. Truls Norby of the Department of Chemistry, University of Oslo, Norway. The company develops and commercializes scientific equipment, materials, and applications derived from Norwegian academic research. Focus is on electroceramics, their properties, characterization, and applications at high temperatures.

Main products comprise the ProboStat™ system for high temperature electrical measurements, and peripherals (furnaces, gas mixers, flowmeters, software, samples). Around 400 ProboStat™ systems are now in use at universities, research institutes, and industries world-wide. ProboStat has been cited in numerous scientific publications. NORECS is considered a leading manufacturer of quality button cell fixtures for electrical and electrochemical measurements at high temperatures and in controlled atmospheres.

NORECS is a representative for several high-ranked manufacturers of quality equipment, among them Elite Thermal Systems Ltd (electric furnaces and ovens) and Vögtlin Instrument AG (gas-flow control equipment, for Norway).

Norwegian organization and VAT registration number: NO 983842518 MVA.

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